St. Justine’s School

St. Justine's School in Kidatu

I took a bus at 07:00 AM in Iringa Town. Together with teacher Castory from Turnbull Tech College, we bought my ticket to Kidatu in district Kilombero. It was a journey of approximately eight hours. Fifteen minutes before my arrival, I called Jema, my next Worldpackers host.  He picked me up in town and we drove to his house. At 06 PM we had dinner and I moved into the new bedroom. Together with his son Justin who is twelve years old and attends secondary school, we spent the evening in the living room. At 09:00 PM, I went to rest.

Daily routine:

Every morning, I got up before 07:00 AM and went with Justin to the primary school that Jema built with Future Chances Project’s help in 2017.

Website: Future Chances

It is a twenty minutes walk that leads along with farms and neighborhoods. At 08:00 AM, about two hundred kids and orphans have arrived. There are two buildings and each is divided into two classrooms. One facility has attached a library and the director’s head office. Jema let me use it to prepare my classes and activities with the teachers and children. At 10:00 AM, the nearby kitchen, operated by two women, cooked breakfast for me and porridge for the children. Then, from 10:30 AM until noon, I took the kids together with one teacher to learn English in the classrooms. After lunch at 01:00 PM, I taught Justin and one teacher how to fly the drone and edit footage on their Windows 7 laptop for their new website.

Website: St. Justine School

Usually, around 04:00 PM, we went back to the house for dinner and spent the rest of the evening at a local bar or restaurant until 09:00 PM. Sometimes we stayed until sunset at the school where the kids play football.

Overview travel expenses from 06th until 16th October.

  • Bus from Iringa to Kilombero $4
  • Volunteer Fee $0
  • Total $4

The host provides a private room with a mosquito net and electricity in his house. The bathroom is African style without warm water. For a small fee, laundry is available. Wi-Fi is not provided, but you should buy a SIM card and other necessities with Justin. There is no volunteer fee needed.

Teachers and Children of St. Justine's School

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