I applied for a new Worldpackers host in Iringa, Tanzania, in September. At that time, I was in Moshi for leisure. I met friends through the app Couchsurfing for hiking and living local life. I had a short Zoom Meeting with Daudi, the director of the Turnbull Tech College. He approved my inquiry and on the following day, I took a bus from Moshi to Arusha. I stayed one day in Arusha, where I met Upendo from Couchsurfing. She showed me around in the city and assisted me in buying a bus ticket to Iringa. I introduced her to Worldpackers and explained how she could sign up with her organization.
I got up early to catch the bus at 05:00 AM the next day. The journey to Iringa was about twelve hours. In Dodoma, I bought chips for lunch. At 06:00 PM, I arrived in Iringa, where I called Daudi to pick me up. Together we went to the Neema Craft Guest House, where I got my private room for the upcoming two weeks! After a quick shower, we went for dinner nearby—chicken with ugali and a cold soda. At 09:00 PM, I was back in my room and prepared for my first day at the college.
Daily routine:
I stayed at Neema Craft Guest House and took my breakfast every morning at 07:00 AM. Around 08:00 AM, I took a Bajaji to Majembe, located at the college. Together with the local teachers, we prepared the classes. I did English and German sessions at 11:00 AM for an hour.
For lunch, I went with Daudi and Castory, the teacher for tourism, to a nearby restaurant. Back at 01:00 PM, I did an activity with the students and teachers. The goal was to have a website for the college at the end of my stay. First, we used my camera equipment to take pictures and clips. Then, I taught students and Daudi how to build their website.
In the evening I went with Daudi and a student for dinner. Then, at 09:00 PM, I was back at the Guest House to rest.
On weekends I visited famous locations with the teachers and students in Iringa town.
Overview volunteering expenses from 20th until 4th October.
Bus from Arusha to Iringa $16
SIM Card (Vodacom) and Data package $15
Bajaji each morning to the College $0.25
Volunteer Fee at your own discretion $50
Total $81.25
The host provides a private room in a hotel, guest house or dormitory with a mosquito net and electricity. There is a heater for warm water or you can boil the water in a pot. For a small fee, laundry is available. I took my clothes to the college and washed them together with the students. Wi-Fi is not provided, but you should buy a SIM card and other necessities together with the students. The college paid all expenses for the room and food during my stay. Daudi asks for a volunteer fee at your discretion. This was one of the best hospitalities I have ever had.

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