WEEDO – Women

WEEDO Women - Classes

I came by train from Musanze and stayed two days in Dar es Salaam. Then, on 23rd January, I went to Kigamboni district in the east of the capital city. There is a small ferry that crosses the bay to the community. From there, I took a motorbike to my new Worldpackers host in Somangila. Rehema, the founder of WEEDO, welcomed me. The organization includes one house where I got my bedroom and next to it the classroom. In the evening we had a chat and dinner at the street market.

Daily routine:

At 07:00 AM, I got up and had breakfast together with the other volunteers. WEEDO has its website and gets support direct from connections through Germany. They have local teachers who show up daily to teach the young woman English and work with the sewing machine. They create a lot of colorful clothes and try to make a living out of them. A woman should be independent and not rely only on their husbands!

The sessions I usually had in the morning. I taught them computer skills. They got many laptops donated from another organization set up with Windows 7 or Linux. Microsoft Excel was the primary program we used during my stay.

After lunch, I went to the beach or the market with the students. There is a lot of trash along the coast, but there are no tourists and it was exceptional for running in the evening. It is just a twenty-minute walk to the beach and nearby shops, about five to ten minutes.

At 06:00 PM, they cooked dinner and I went around in the neighborhood with students living nearby.

Overview travel expenses from 24th until 02nd February.

  • Train from Mwanza to Dar es Salaam $12
  • One Night at Safari Inn $12
  • Kigamboni Ferry $0.1
  • Motorbike to Host $2
  • Volunteer Fee $105
  • Total $131.1

The host provides a private room with a mosquito net and electricity. There is no warm water and the shower is out of a bucket. Wi-Fi is not available. You have to buy a SIM card together with one of the students at a shop nearby. For laundry, you must pay extra. The volunteer fee is 15$ a day which includes three meals. The costs are above average. I recommend visiting the place daily and living near the city for the same amount or using Couchsurfing for accommodation. It is excellent to go there, teach your subject for an hour or two.

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