In Arusha, I took a dala dala (minibus) to Boma N’gombe to visit Samson and Scott Misana from Ewaso college for my next volunteer experience. It took me about an hour to get there and the two brothers picked me up at the bus station. From there, it was a fifteen-minute walk to their home on foot. They live in a house with two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. In each bedroom, they have bunk beds for the guests. Scott cooked lunch for us and in the afternoon, we visited the village and went shopping at the food market. In the evening we stayed at a local restaurant for ugali and chicken. At 09:00 PM, we were back at home to rest.
Daily routine:
Two times each week, I go with Scott or Samson early in the morning to Moshi, where the college is located. At 07:30 AM, we have breakfast and at 08:00 AM, we take the bus to Moshi. Once I arrive in the city, it is a ten-minute walk to the college. Four to ten students are attending the classes. Most of them want to work in tourism and want to improve their English. I had a session before lunch and one after. Then, at 04:00 PM, I took the bus back to Boma and spent the rest of the day together with the brothers.
The other days we worked on our notebooks to improve the website for the college “Ewaso College” and we did a lot of activities by bicycle. Samson and Scott are the founders of Tanzanite Bike Trip and want to do business with cycling tours. They cycle to the nearby hot springs, Maasai villages and many more.

Overview volunteering expenses from 29th October until 11th November.
Bus from Arusha to Boma $1
One bus ticket from Boma to Ewaso College in Moshi $0.25
Volunteer Fee $50
Total $51.25
The brothers provide a bunk bed with electricity and WiFi. They prepare all three meals for you. When you stay at Ewaso college, one of the staff members cooks the food for the volunteers and local teachers. There is a bathroom with an African-style toilet and no warm water at home. For Laundry they do it with tip or you do it. The best part is that they provide camping gear and a personal bike during the whole stay! A few nights, we did bush camping in the wilderness. They are professionals and you can experience local life at its peak. This is by far one of the best adventures I had with Worldpackers.

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