Ewaso Maasai College Trust
In October 2020, I visited Ewaso Maasai College for two weeks. Samson, the organization’s social manager, welcomed me to teach English to the students and assist him in web design.
In October 2020, I visited Ewaso Maasai College for two weeks. Samson, the organization’s social manager, welcomed me to teach English to the students and assist him in web design.
In October 2020, I visited Zion Care Organization for ten days. Osward, the manager of the place, welcomed me to assist him in editing his website and taking new pictures.
In October 2020, I visited Kidatu for ten days. Jema, the owner of St. Justine’s School in Kidatu, invited me to volunteer and do activities with the teachers and children.
In September 2020, I visited Iringa for two weeks. Daudi, the owner and CEO of Turnbull Tech Training College, invited me to volunteer and teach English, German and computer skills.
In January 2020, I took a train in Mwanza to Dar es Salaam. Rehema, founder and CEO of WEEDO, invited me to volunteer and teach computer skills to the students.
In January 2020, I arrived by bus in Tanzania and visited Mwanza for seven days. Mickey, the director of NCDY, invited me to volunteer and teach gym-classes to the children.
In January 2020, I took a bus to Kigali and visited for ten days Kicukiro district. Christine, the directress of HDVC, invited me to volunteer and learn about physical therapy.
In December 2019, I crossed the border to Rwanda and visited for ten days Gisenyi. Emmanuel, the director of Kunda Village Ministry, invited me to volunteer and experience Rwandan life.
In December 2019, I crossed the border to Uganda and visited for ten days Mpigi. Moses, the director of Abato Foundation, invited me to volunteer and learn about Ugandan culture.
In November 2019, I visited for ten days the island at Victoria Lake in Kenya. Moses, the director of Gospel Miracle Ministry, invited me to volunteer and fish with locals.